articleTemples, shrines, castles

Zeniarai Benzaiten Shrine

By June 7, 2017 No Comments

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Shrine of Senioren Ibenokiten, court of the owner of the Ugghuku (Ugafuku), located in the cave. Kamakura City Kanagawa Prefecture It is believed that the well in the cave will have the power to bring good luck. And fortune When the money is washed with pure water from the well.

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The process of asking for blessings is only 5 items.

  1. Bring 3 candles and incense (100 yen each) at the shrine's office. And bring a basket for payment.
  2. Visiting the main shrine First candle light And the incense from the large candle. Place the candle in the center of the candle holder, place the incense stick 2 times and raise the hand twice and bow it down one more time.
  3. Bring the second candle to the candle holder. Put money in the basket and clear the money from the well to wet.
  4. Walk up the stairs to worship the Shrine of Camimir Mizuno. And Shimmon Shimizu Shrine
  5. Shijiazhuang Shrine worship will And bless the success of the job. And put the last candle here.

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Hours of operation: 08.00 am - 4.30 pm (daily)

Getting: Take the JR Yokosuka Line to Kamakura Station. Continue for 25 minutes north.

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