Temples, shrines, castles

Kawagoe Hikawa Shrine

By March 17, 2016 No Comments

Kawagoe Hikawa Shrine is located in the Saitama prefecture and is said to be built by Kinmei Tennou, a Japanese emperor over 1500 years ago. The shrine has been well preserved over the years and you can still see and appreciate its intricate architecture! The shrine along with a few other historical buildings was designated as one of the cultural properties of Saitama prefecture. The shrine is said enshrine thee god of Marriage and you may see many couples holding their weddings in this vicinity. Another attractive feature of this Shrine is the 15m long Tori gate at the entrance. Also they have trees dated over 500 years within the sacred grounds. You can feel your nerves calm as the wind rustles through the leaves of these old tress and blows onto you. Also, the underground spring water in the shrine is said to bring good health. Many people fill up this water in their bottles and take it home as well. As a precaution not to fall ill, make sure to boil the water first. Within the premises is also a small rivulet called ‘hitogata nagashi’. Hitogata literally means human shaped paper, and it is said that if you float human shaped paper down this stream, it will wash away all your sins and evil in your mind and body. It also has a long corridor of hanging prayers written on vertical cards. The shrine is also famous for `furin’ a type of wind chime made of glass. 

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