
Hirosaki 4 seasons old city has a rich cultural heritage.

By September 8, 2017 No Comments

Hirosaki, an old town in Aomori who has never encountered a war disaster. This city has a rich cultural heritage. Especially Hirosaki Castle. With 2,600 cherry trees, there is only one castle tower in Tohoku. There are 3 tiers, 3 observation towers and 5 entrances and outlets. There are also 33 Zen monasteries. Bukayashi, which is an ancient samurai house and the beautiful Juyutoto Pagoda on the northernmost tip of Japan.

hirosaki spring
Hirosaki in spring is packed with flowers. From cherry blossoms with scenic backdrop, Mt. Iwaki And Sam with flowers from the apple tree. This beautiful scenery is considered to be a scenic view of the world, if you have been impressed with the Hirosaki Sakura Festival of course.

hirosaki summer

With cooler weather than Tokyo. Hirosaki is very suitable for hot shelters. And there is also a summer festival to enjoy together. The Hirosaki Neumutatsu Festival is a parade with giant lanterns at night to tell stories about ancient literature, such as the Three Kingdoms Suikoden, which depicts the art of Hiroshima. Gai is very well.

hirosaki autumn

Or the harvest season of Apple Hirosaki Apple is the most cultivated apple in Japan. In the apple orchard of this city is a large fruit and full fruit until the king leaned down to the garden. There is also a chrysanthemum festival and discoloration leaves at Hirosaki Castle to see the rich red and gold colors.

hirosaki winter

Hirosaki's winter snow covered city It is decorated with light yellow from many snow lamps.


Hirosaki City Aomori Prefecture


Thank you information from the Hiroshima Tourism Bureau.

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