
Christ Church New World Heritage 2018

By July 2, 2018 No Comments

UnescoNew World Heritage Site 2018 has a church of Christ. Nagasaki City
The World Heritage Committee of the Organization for Education Science and Culture of the United Nations (UNESCO) in Manama Bahrain announces the registration of many important places in Asia as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

  1. The stone wall is located at the Thimlich Ohinga Archaeological Site in Kenya.
  2. Ancient City of Qalhat in Oman
  3. Al-Ahsa Oasis in Saudi Arabia
  4. All 7 temples in Mount Sinai South Korea (Seven ancient Korean mountain temples)
  5. The hidden Christian community in Nagasaki consists of 10 villages, one castle and the Nobuta. It was built between the 18th and 19th centuries (Nokubi Church)
  6. Gorky and Art Deco architecture in Mumbai, India.
  7. Archaeological sites of the imperial city of Sassari In Fars Iran

Today we would like to introduce our fans to the Nokubi Church and the beginning of Christianity in Japan.

Kashiragashima_Church_2 copy

Christ Church

The Christian community known as Nooguchi is located on Nozakijima Island in northern Japan. The Christian community in Nagasaki consists of 10 villages, one castle and a Nobigaku temple. NOBODY began construction in 1907 (1907) and was completed in 1908 (1908). The Japanese who are caught in Christianity must be tortured or executed. Currently, the island is inhabited but is still a religious site. In 1989, the church was added. Nagasaki's religious landmark ".

Journey of Christianity to Japan

By the middle of the 16th century, Christianity in Japan came with Francis Bishop. Xavier from the Jesuits As a native of Navarre, Spain, Christianity was first introduced in Japan, as well as countries such as India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and China. Because of the suspicion. Christianity will come to impede state power and shogunate regimes. It led to the clearance in the year 2410. The bishop was executed to 26 people over 400 years ago.

Japaness Christian

By the mid-17th century, Japan had become a forbidden land for Christians. When the ruling classes From Shogun to Daimyo I agree that Christianity May cause country shaky. All Christians and missionaries, both hardwood and soft wood, decided to break free. To kill by burning as well. The tortoise sings his head, bleeds his brain, or tramples the symbol of Christianity. If anyone tramples It will be spared. (This information from the movie is not silent ADMIN watch, then feel crushed by)

I feel that the new religion is crawling. In addition to eradicating the power of the elite. If it is with the belief that the succession to a thousand years. Who is the highest point of the faith of the Japanese. Not God or Son of Christ The Emperor, descended from the god of the sun, also in the eyes of the inspectors. The old religion is already well suited to the Japanese way. No need to change to chaos. Forcing many bishops to turn their backs on Christ and convert to other religions. Perhaps a retaliation for newcomers who want to swallow their original beliefs in the same way.

Despite the heavy Christian bishops and layoffs From the foundations of St. Faustina in that period, 100 years later there were more than 300,000 Japanese Christians. Today there are 1.5% Japanese, 1.5 million Christians.




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