
Get to know the waste in Japan. One of the highlights of Japan.

By March 28, 2017 No Comments

Get to know the waste in Japan. One of the highlights of Japan.

One of the highlights of Japan is when the Thai people must say.

It is clean. Garbage by the alleyways is not visible. There will be some places in the crowded place, but it's dirty. The bins that lay in the streets were never as full as our home. I know that. Dumping in Japan How to deal with these problems?


The first is that the Japanese were instilled into separate garbage. Since childhood Every home when it's time to collect garbage. He will separate the bag is placed neatly separated by his is divided into five categories.


  1. Garbage can be burned (や す ご み み). Made of natural materials Must be able to pack it in a 2 liter or 3 liter plastic bag. If it is burnable, it is too large to fit in this standard bag. It is considered as large trash. Must be separated Or buy a large garbage bag. Thick black bag To pack For example, food waste, paper bag, glass paper, etc.


2. Recycle waste (ご み み). Plastic water bottles, paper boxes, crates, tins, fruit juices Newspaper paper What is more amazing is that. He can not just be separated. If it's a box of milk or paper He will cut it out, put it together, put it in a bag. For ease of use. The best anyway


3. Large garbage (ご み み), for example. Electrical appliances, mattresses, mosquito nets To bicycles, sewing machines, etc. These types of trash can be either incinerated or incinerated. But that must be sorted out because the garbage truck does not carry it. Or to burn it with ordinary household waste does not. This kind of garbage, we have to go to the state to transport it. Or put it to the place he provided.


4. Garbage can not be burned, for example, batteries, cassettes, cassettes, CDs, etc. If the components of the garbage are burned and burned. Must be considered as non-burnable garbage. This kind of waste has to pay for a trash bag with a clear message on the front of the bag. "Garbage can not burn"


5. Hazardous waste such as containers containing toxic chemicals, infectious waste (hospital waste), cans with spray nozzles This may explode. And waste that is considered explosives, such as fireworks, gas, cans, and batteries (dry cell) fluorescent lamps. And sharpeners such as knives, broken glass or scraps, etc.


Understand the separation of garbage in Japan. Japan is focused on everything. Whether it's a greeting each time. Caring for the people around Traditions And to separate the garbage ever. I would like to explain the type of garbage in the housing. There are 2 types of housing here.

1. House type

การจะทิ้งขยะได้นั้นอันดับแรกต้องตื่นแต่เช้าค่ะ เหมือนเป็นการหัดให้คนญี่ปุ่นตื่นเช้าไปในตัวด้วย ซึ่งต้องนำขยะใส่ในถุงให้เรียบร้อย และต้องนำไปทิ้งในโซนที่กำหนดไว้ให้ก่อนที่รถจะมาเก็บไปและต้องปฏิบัติตามอย่างเคร่งครัด  The schedule of each year is not the same. Depending on the area as well. But do not be afraid to remember it because he will have a guide to waste. Such as Tsukishima in the Tokyo area.

             วันอังคาร,ศุกร์ Garbage, such as fresh garbage, rotten food stains.

              วันพุธ Recycled garbage, such as paper, magazines, newspapers (must be tucked together before leaving), milk cartons (cut and rinse together), and plastic jars. Then clean the inside of the lid and make a bottle of canned flat before leaving it.)

            วันพฤหัสบดี Plastic waste such as rice box, food tray. The food and liquid must be rinsed out before disposing of it.

SaturdayNon-combustible waste such as metal, ceramic glass, electrical appliances and waste more than 30 × 30 cm upwards, such as bedding, electrical appliances, bicycles.


2. Type of Apartment

Each person will have a guide to waste each other, but if the dormitory does not need to wake up in the morning to throw it away. There will be a trash can under the dorm. And there is a sticker labeling each tank must leave.

And if it is.Large junk Need to buy a sticker from a convenience store. Then call the car to pick up. But if it's a large recycled garbage such as TV, washing machine, refrigerator, computer can not buy stickers to it. Must call toll of recyclable waste. And waste the waste with it.


If you live in a house and leave it at a time not specified by the government, he will not keep it. I have to wait next time. If it is.What is the apartment or mansion?Do not worry, I will not leave time because the dormitory is under the dump. It is labeled thoroughly that each tank must leave. We just split the garbage to be. Put on the bag to tie. Wash it well, then bring it down to it. If it is a large waste, it must call the state to get it.

This is a garbage zone under the dormitory.


Every tank is labeled carefully.


Some will be the room for junk especially.



Next, let's see what work processes and devices are with.Garbage truckSome good. What will be there to see it.



Reservoir tire (予 備 タ イ ヤ) Fire extinguisher (消 火器) The pressure plate (排出 板) Keypad (操作 パ ネ ที่) that controls the work of the trash and the garbage.プ 転 板 ト ト ト ト ト ト ト ト ト ト ト ト ト ト ト ト ト ト และ และ และ และ และ. The wastewater collection tank (汚水 タ ン ク) serves to keep waste water out of the waste.


How to deal with garbageThere are 3 ways to do it.


Method 1 Pressing (プ レ ス 式) will press twice to make the garbage smaller. And stuffed inside.



Method 2 Rotation (回 転 板式) will have a steel plate to rotate to push the garbage inside. Which is suitable for small trash. Small piece of wood But not for the steel plate.



Method 3 Roundabout (ロ ー タ リ ー 式) is like a large cylindrical drum. Will rotate slowly To send garbage inside This format is very useful. Because of the increased amount of rubbish.


How to remove garbage from the carThere are 2 ways to do it.

Method 1 Push (押 し 出 し 式). The pad that acts on the push is made to push the garbage out of the inside. The first push is very high. So no waste left.



Method 2 Dump or lift (ダ ン プ 式) will lift and then pour out. The waste will fall easily. Suitable for small trash and wood chips.



Let's see the rubbish better. Junk cars will have a clearly defined date. When will he come? Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday will collect garbage burned at ten o'clock on the second Tuesday of each month to collect hazardous waste at nine o'clock this time. By the state, he will inform the garbage collection table to the people in the city to be clear. The junk car will leave the junk every day. And the junk car here has a clean cover, too.

Here you will know how Japanese people pay attention and serious about the garbage. Everything is very clear, true to the Japanese. Sukiyaki, Japan

It may seem a bit cumbersome. But if we do, we'll get used to it. It also has a good effect on our own, because it will make us more organized. The rules to separate the garbage itself so that it does not interfere with or increase the burden on the garbage. As mentioned above, the Japanese people will focus on the people around. He will not make people trouble or embarrass me.


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