
Did you know that Miso soup has to be seaweed?

By May 3, 2018 No Comments
Miso soup

Hello, today I am wondering why miso soup (Miso Soup 味噌 汁) has to put algae, whether friends will eat in the mall. Or by the general store. Miso soup, put the algae. What is it? To add color to the soup, it looks more appetizing. Or will help to make it more delicious. Or it's a stereotype.JapaneseBut guess what, it would be hard for us to put algae in miso soup because miso soup has a very high sodium content. Put the algae into the miso soup. Reduce sodium levels in the body by eating miso soup. It is a perfect combination.


Miso Soup (Miso Soup 味噌 汁)

1. Strengthen the immune system. And help reduce cholesterol.
2. Relieve diarrhea.
3. Increase appetite for more food.
4. Stimulate digestion and absorption of food. Absorbs food better.
5. Reduce risk of breast cancer and prostate, lung and bowel.

How to make miso soup
raw materialWhite mustard mushrooms, seaweed, miso, onion
1.นำสาหร่ายทะเลไปแช่น้ำไว้ ให้สาหร่ายอ่อนตัว จากนั้น หั่นเต้าหู้ขาว หั่นเป็นลูกเต๋าขนาดเล็กๆ ตามความชอบ 
2. Boil water about 4 cups and boil until boiling.
3. Put white tofu, cut into 1 part 3 of the cup, then put the seaweed into water 1 part 3 of the cup, followed by mushrooms, gold needle 1 cup, boil again.
4. Dissolve miso 1 part 4 of the cup With a little water. Pour into the boiler. Boil until boil
5. Then sprinkle the sprinkle with soy sauce and eat.


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