
Karuizawa Ginza

By March 11, 2016 No Comments

The name is a cute but stylish chic. It's like being in the Ginza neighborhood of Karuizawa. The famous resort town of Nagano Prefecture. Here is one of the past. The "break point" of the long journey between the provinces in the Edo period.

Ancient people to travel from Edo (Tokyo) to Kyoto Roads between cities such as "Tokai", which is the Tokyo-Kyoto route through Nagoya or "Naka Zen", which is the Tokyo-Kyoto road through the road. good food & drink

Anyone who travels by the road "Naka Zen" will have to stop here. And this is the meaning of the word "break point"

Now, Karu saves Ginza. It is the center of Karuizawa, and it is a great place to shop. Who to visit this city would not have to walk to see the charm of the ancient city here.

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