


WJS で で 日本 文化 体 を し ま せ ん か か?

渋 谷 の ス ク ラ ン ブ ル 交 差点 と 並 び, 日本 で も 1,2 を 争 う ほ ど 有名 な 「銀座 4 丁目」 交 差点 の ほ ど 近 く, 銀座 5 丁目 の ビ ル の 7F に 上 が る と., そ こ に は 別 世界 が 広 が り ま す. と て も 銀座 の 真 ん 中.に い る と は 思 え な い ほ ど 落 ち 着 い た 雰 囲 気 の 空間 で す. こ ん な 落 ち 着 い た 雰 囲 気 の 中 で, 日本 の 代表 的 伝 統 文化 「茶道」 体 験 を し て み ま せ ん か? WJS っ て Welcome Japan Support の 略 な ん で す.っ て. WJS 銀座 か ら の メ ッ セ ー ジ WJS Ginza で は 観 光 サ ポ ー ト や ト ラ ブ ル 相 談 等 を 直接 行 え る 様, 銀座 に 実 店舗 を 構 え, さ ら に サ ロ ン 内部 は 丸 ご と 日本 庭園 に 改装 し, 離 れ の 和 室 で は 書 道 · 茶道 体 験 や 着 物.着 付 け 体 験 も 気 軽 に 楽 し め る 施 設 と な っ て お り ま す. サ ロ ン 内 で 他 に は, 銀座 の 景 観 を 見 な が ら 休憩 を で き る ス ペ ー ス や 記念 撮 影 の で き る ス ペ ー ス も 用意 も ご ざ い ま す. 銀.お 越 し 際 WJS Ginza お 立 ち 寄 り く だ だ い ま せ。。
March 30, 2017
KnowledgeAbout Us

About Japan555

About JAPAN555 JAPAN555 is a website that gathers everything about Japan. The hotel, restaurant, travel, shops, other services by the form of the site is a Portal Site that gathers all information about the trip to Japan. If you have any questions about our website or products, please do not hesitate to contact us.
March 12, 2017

Stronger than the fish is Natto, which sold more than 7.5 million boxes a year.

If speaking food that smells our house Papaya salad with crab meat is probably the first thing many people think of. But if talking about Japanese food then I have to give this natto or rotten bean. There are many Thai people who have never had problems with fermented fish But when I tried this natto bean Surrendered But saw this strong smell, the benefits were packed full of grain. Nutto (Nutto ...
March 10, 2017
articleTemples, shrines, castlesKnowledge

Maneki Neko

ถ้าพูดถึงเรื่องวัตถุมงคล ประเทศไทยนั้นมีไม่น้อยเลยค่ะ ขึ้นอยู่กับความเชื่อส่วนบุคคล วัตถุมงคลที่เกี่ยวกับโชคลาภการค้าขาย ให้ลูกค้าหลั่งไหลเข้ามาที่ร้าน ขายดิบขายดีก็คงจะเป็นนางกวักที่ทุกคนนิยมตั้งไวหน้าร้านค้า และแน่นอนที่ญี่ปุ่นก็มีวัตถุมงคลที่เชื่อในเรื่องการค้าขายเช่นกัน นั่นก็คือแมวกวัก " มะเนะคิ เนโคะ" น้องแมวสุดน่ารักที่มีเรื่องเล่ามากมายเกี่ยวกับที่มาของความขลังนี้ เรื่องเล่าของทะมะเจ้าแมววัด ตอนสมัยเอโดะช่วงศตวรรษที่17 วัดโกโตคุจิ…
March 9, 2017

Japanese Blind Date

Who is experiencing a soulmate problem, I'm not yet born. Single for a long time until the beams beckoned Don't just think that there are only Thai people who are experiencing this problem. Because not many Japanese people have encountered such things as well. Today, we would like to take you to know another Japanese culture that has been a long time, that is Omi (見 合 い). Omi is an appointment to see. Which has existed since before The matchmaker will look suitable as a class, find the right person to marry. But Omi in this day, people who act as intermediaries will be companies instead. The company came to act as a matchmaker ...
March 6, 2017

ขั้นตอนการใช้บริการ โรงพยาบาลที่ญี่ปุ่น ว่าควรทำยังไงบ้าง | japan555

While visiting Japan No one who wants sickness, discomfort or an accident occurs during the trip to Japan. When an unexpected incident or illness occurs while traveling in Japan Many people do not know how to cope. How to find a doctor There are many people who have experienced problems with going to a hospital and then in a hospital in Japan. Not accepting foreign patients Really happened It is because if communication with patients is not possible, there will be errors in treatment. Causing many hospitals to not accept foreign tourists So when coming to Japan, if not comfortable, go to the big hospital. Such as the university hospital of various provinces Will be able to receive treatment and receive care like Japanese people If anyone who has travel insurance can go to the hospital and reserve the expenses first, then bring a receipt with a medical certificate to withdraw to the insurance company back to Thailand. Or any tourists who do not have travel insurance ...
January 16, 2017

Lucky Bag Fukubukuro Lucky Bag What is it in the bag?

Lucky Bag Fukubukuro Lucky Bag What is it in the bag? When entering the new year. Many people are excited about the long holidays. Prepare to welcome New Year and get something new into life. Many people have planned to go to good. Of course, there is a lot of work to reduce the price of the company's many department stores. The Japanese would be similar. Thailand In Japan When the New Year comes ...
February 24, 2017

Travel Insurance Before Departure

Hello, today, Japan555, we will provide information about medical facilities in Japan and introduce insurance for those who travel abroad. Traveling abroad There is a risk of accident and health during the trip. We have to prepare it better. Of course, it is not our country. Language and rules vary. I do not care if we prepare well. I do not have anything to worry about. Insurance to advance before It is important and very necessary.
February 21, 2017

Back to top of the page up there ^ One of the most popular activities is Stacker

Back in the last 10 years, one of the activities that most teenagers have to use is the cabinet. The fun is that we can choose a frame. Choose the background by yourself. Comes with the latest poses Photo taking In those days, it was another popular activity that everyone was interested in. Can be viewed from various places, usually with a sticker cabinet Put together as a liver ...
February 21, 2017