
Aliens invade Japan Found to lay 100 eggs

By March 30, 2020 No Comments
Chinese cabbage

Everyone watched a sci-fi horror movie of aliens invading the world. And this may be their egg It's a startling thing in Japan. With a young Japanese man walking to find something Egg-like appearance ofAlien He took these pictures to go online. Resulting in a large number of people sharing And a netizen responded to the post, saying that it was "Chinese cabbage that is dying"

Chinese cabbage

The administrator sees this and keeps filming. But secretly thinking about an alien movie That has eggs like this When it comes out, an alien will cling to your face. I thought it was scary. Japan will callChinese cabbage says hakusai, which is a staple during the winter. Mainly used with the stir-fry menu.

Thanks to the images from shuttertock / kim gyu sik and shuttertock / junrong.

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