
Year of the Dragon But different with the year of the Chinese zodiac |

By February 23, 2017 No Comments
Year of the Dragon

Nishiwu friends. The end of the year. Talk about year Today we have years to leave friends that is the year of the Zodiac. Year is the year is a calendar year. It is divided into 12 years around the year using the animal to determine the name itself. The country is believed to be the year of the zodiac, most often in Asia, such as China, Vietnam, Thailand, Japan, Xishuangbanna, Korea, Cambodia, Laos, Tibet, etc. The belief of the Zodiac is derived from the legend of China.
But today we will see the difference between the year of the Chinese zodiac and the year of the Zodiac. As everyone knows. Year of the Zodiac:
Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Year of the Pig.
(Rat - Rat, Ox - Ox, Tiger - Tiger, the Rabbit - Rabbit, Dragon - Dragon, Snake - Snake, the Horse - Horse, Goat - Goat, Monkey - Monkey, Rooster - Chicken, screens - dog, pig - pig. )



But Japan's culture, it may be some animals that do not like me of Thailand. This is also part of the traditional Japanese calendar, which is set in the first round to 60 years and will be used alongside. Year era Japan How was it to see unimproved.
子 (Ne) mice with (rat).
寅 (Tora) with Tiger (Tiger).
卯 (U) with rabbit (Rabbit).
辰 (Tatsu) match Dragon (Dragon).
巳 (Mi) with a snake (Snake).
午 (Uma) with horses (Horse).
未 (Hitsuji) with lamb (Goat).
申 (Saru) matching monkey (the monkey).
酉 (Tori) with chicken (cock).
犬 (Inu) dog match (in the display).
亥 (I) boar matches (Pig).

The year of the zodiac of Japan. There is a way to count the number of years starting from No. 1 is 子 (Ne) Rat (Year of Rat) until the last order No. 12 is 亥 (I) Boar (Year Pig)
The year of the zodiac of Thailand and Japan is very similar to it. Not just the same year. The year of the zodiac, the Japanese have the same belief that the year of the zodiac can tell us the character of each person as well. The belief in the year of the Zodiac of the Thai people is related to religion and the belief of the Thai people that once in their lives will have to pay homage to their relatives to celebrate the birth of their relatives.


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